24/7 Support number (Call /Whatsapp / Viber) +201006808857

Arrival at your accommodation in Alexandria. You will spend the rest of the day at leisure exploring the surrounding and familiarizing yourself with the city.

P.S: Egypt Day Tour can arrange your transfer from any airport or location in Egypt ( Please book in advance) 

During Spring & Autumn, bird migration takes place. Lake Mariout is very famous spot for birdwatching and identifying the different species of birds.

4am – 7:30am

From Early dawn, start your day to settle in a spot by the lake where you will get the opportunity to spend time bird watching and taking photos .

8am – 12pm
It is time to have a proper breakfast, Breakfast will be served to you by the lake . Once we finish breakfast, we will move in a van to visit the Marmina monastery. The monastery is a UNISCO world heritage and was dedicated to St. Markus (Mina) who was one of the important preachers that led to the spread of Christianity in early pagan time. You will spend time exploring the monastery, or feel free to buy some of the locally grown herbs, olive oil as well as honey.  After the monastery visit, you will go to a beduin restaurant where you will get to watch the food preparation in the Beduin way.

3pm – 7pm

We move back to the lake Mariout, where we will go to another spot, prepare to watch more birds during the migration season. There are also other activities you can do including kayaking, fishing, as well as a boat ride in the lake. Enjoy the calm and serene atmosphere of the lake. Beduin BBQ dinner will be cooked by the lake while you are sitting in a private Beduin tent arranged just for you.

4am – 7:30am

From early dawn, once again we start our birdwatching expedition. Settle in a different spot by the lake where you will get the opportunity to spend time bird watching and taking photos .

8am – 2pm
After a served breakfast by the lake, we take a break from the birdwatching activities. We will start a tour in a toktok , the 3 wheeled transportation you are going to see around, as today you will get to spend your time in the area where the local Beduin tribe reside. Spend the whole morning exploring the market, the heart of beduin everyday life. You will buy the ingredients for your lunch later which you will have in a local beduin house. Lunch is always followed by black tea in the beduin style.  

3pm – 7pm

We move back to the lake Mariout, where we will go to another spot, prepare to watch more birds during the migration season. There are also other activities you can do including kayaking, fishing, as well as a boat ride in the lake. Enjoy the calm and serene atmosphere of the lake. Beduin BBQ dinner will be cooked by the lake while you are sitting in a private Beduin tent arranged just for you.

A free day , where it will be up to you to choose any extra activity to do or just wander around, exploring the locations on your own. There are various optional activities you can get to choose from.

In the early morning, transfer by air-conditioned van to your accommodation in Edku. Edku lake will be a different spot for you to practice bird watching. The wetland lake would allow you more rural atmosphere and would indeed offer a variety of side activities to be done while you are there. Spend the rest of the day familiarizing yourself with the surrounding. Overnight in Edku. 

4am – 7:30am

From early dawn, once again we start our birdwatching expedition. Settle in a different spot by the lake where you will get the opportunity to spend time bird watching and taking photos .

8am – 12:30pm
We will move to a bee farm for a delicious local breakfast and spend the time afterwards in inspecting the daily bee farm activity, how they prepare the honey and other related bee products. 

3pm – 7pm

Continue the bird watching activity by Edku lake. Side activities can be arranged like fishing, kayaking or doing a horse-cart trip around the town or to the old market. Dinner will be arranged in a picnic location where you will have local food. Overnight in Edku 

Transfer by air-conditioned van to Alexandria. A free day , where it will be up to you to choose any extra activity to do or just wander around, exploring the locations on your own. Overnight in Alexandria.

 Departure after breakfast. 

P.S: ِEgypt Day Tours can assist in transferring you to either the airport or any other location you are heading to in Egypt at a supplement.


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